In the year 2002, a momentous occasion occurred that forever altered the culinary landscape of the United States. It was during this fateful year that Pollo Campero, a renowned and esteemed establishment, graced the bustling streets of Olympic Avenue in the vibrant city of Los Angeles. However, this was not the inception of this gastronomic phenomenon. No, its origins can be traced back to the distant lands of Guatemala and El Salvador, where it first emerged onto the scene in the year 1971.
From its humble beginnings, Pollo Campero swiftly captured the hearts and palates of the local populace, garnering an ardent and devoted following. The concept, which had been meticulously crafted and refined, resonated deeply with the discerning tastes of the Guatemalan and Salvadoran communities. As the years passed, the popularity of Pollo Campero soared to unprecedented heights, resulting in the establishment of an impressive network of eateries. By the time 2002 arrived, the esteemed chicken chain boasted an astounding 90 units in Guatemala, a remarkable 59 in El Salvador, and an admirable four in the neighboring country of Mexico.
The decision to venture into the United States was not a mere happenstance, but rather a strategic move driven by a profound understanding of the shifting demographics. A wave of immigrants from Central America had been steadily making their way to the land of opportunity, seeking a better life and new horizons. These individuals, carrying with them a rich tapestry of traditions and flavors, yearned for a taste of home. Pollo Campero, with its delectable offerings and unwavering commitment to quality, stood poised to fulfill this longing.
LJ Rodas, a visionary leader and the esteemed Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director of Pollo Campero, recognized the immense potential that lay before them. With a deep understanding of the legacy consumers, those who had grown up savoring the delectable delights of Pollo Campero in their countries of origin, Rodas knew that the time had come to extend the reach of this culinary empire. The stage was set for Pollo Campero to embark on a new chapter, one that would see it conquer the hearts and taste buds of the American populace, forever etching its name in the annals of gastronomic history.