Nestled in the heart of Amityville, Vittorios Italian Steakhouse serves delectable cuisine with a charming ambiance that transcends ordinary fare. Zagats rated and recipient of the prestigious excellence award by Wine Spectator, Vittorios offers an extensive wine list coupled by an eclectic array of savory dishes that will delight any appetite.
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I recently had the pleasure of dining at Vittorios Italian Steakhouse in Amityville and it was an experience I won't soon forget! From the charming ambiance to the delectable cuisine, this restaurant certainly transcends ordinary fare. The extensive wine list was a great accompaniment to the eclectic array of savory dishes. I was delighted by the quality of the food and the attentive service. It's no wonder that Zagats rated Vittorios and it is the recipient of the prestigious excellence award by Wine Spectator. If you're looking for a special dining experience, I highly recommend Vittorios Italian Steakhouse!